Accum, Friedrich (1769-1838)
Achard, Franz Karl (1753-1821)
Acton, J.
Aikin, Arthur (1773-1854)
Alderson, John (1758-1829)
Aletes, -
Alexander, William
Allan, J.
Allen, William (1770-1843)
Aluau, -
Anderson, Adam (1780-1846)
Anderson, Alexander (1748-1811)
Anderson, William (1757-1837)
Andrew, J
Antis, John
Arkwright, Thomas
Arnold, John
Astley, Joseph
Aston, J.
Auarie, V.
Austin, John (1752-1830)
Austin, Rev. Gilbert (1753-1837)
Avogadro, Amedeo Carlo (1776-1856)
Baconnière Salverte, Eusebe (1771-1839)
Bail, Captain H.L.
Baillet, A.
Bain, Nicholson (c.1787-1840)
Baird, Dr. -
Baker, J.
Balfour, Dr. Francis (-1767)
Balls, Thomas
Bancks, Robert
Bancroft, Dr. -
Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820)
Bardsley, Samuel Argent (1764-1851)
Barlow, Peter (1776-1862)
Barlow, William
Barraud, Paul Philip (1750-1820)
Bartholdi, J.C.
Barton, Benjamin Smith (1766-1815)
Bartram, William (1739-1823)
Bate, Robert Brettell (1782-1847)
Baudry Des Lozières, Louis-Narcisse (1761-1841)
Baumé, -
Beaunier, Louis Antoine (1779-1835)
Beaupoil, Henri
Beddoes, Thomas (1760-1808)
Bell, Sir John (1782-1876)
Bennet, Hon. Henry Grey (1777-1836)
Bennett, J.
Benzenberg, -
Bérard, Jacques Étienne (1789-1869)
Berey, Samuel
Bergelius, Jac
Berger, F.
Bergman, Torbern (1735-1784)
Berlinghieri, Leopold Vacca (1732-1812)
Berthier, Pierre (1782-1861)
Berthollet, Claude Louis (1748-1822)
Berzelius, Jöns Jacob (1779-1848)
Besant, J.
Biddle, John
Biemontier, -
Biggin, George (1755-1808)
Biggs, Arthur
Billingsley, John (1747-1811)
Biot, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862)
Bivona Bernardi, Anthony (1770-1837)
Blair, Robert (1748-1828)
Blanchard, Rev. John
Blavier, Jean (1764-1828)
Bode, Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826)
Boissonade, Jean Francois (1774-1857)
Bojames, Dr. -
Bolton, Captain William (1777-1830)
Bond, William
Bonhomme, -
Bonifácio de Andrada, José (1763-1838)
Bonjour, Francois-Joseph (1754-)
Bonnard, -
Bosc, -
Bostock, John (1733-1846)
Bouillon-Lagrange, Edme-Jean Baptiste (1764-1844)
Boullay, Pierre François Guillaume (1777-1869)
Bournon, Jacques Louis, Comte de (1751-1825)
Bouvier, S.P.
Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773-1838)
Bowler, Thomas
Braconnot, Henri (1780-1855)
Bralle, François-Jean (1750-1832)
Bramah, John (1748-1814)
Bramley, R. Ramsden
Brande, William Thomas (1788-1866)
Bremner, James (1784-1856)
Brewster, David (1781-1868)
Brickdale Blakeway, John (1765-1826)
Briggs, Robert
Brinkley, Rev. John (c.1763-1835)
Broad, James
Brodie, Captain Joseph
Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins, 1st Baronet (1783-1862)
Brongniart, Alexandre (1770-1847)
Brougham, Henry (1778-1868)
Brugnatelli, Luigi Valentino (1746-1818)
Brunton, William (1777-1851)
Buchan, Dr.
Bucholz, Christian Friedrich (1770-1818)
Buée, Abbé Adrien-Quentin (1748-1826)
Bullock, William (1773-1849)
Burkitt, A.S.
Burney, James (1750-1821)
Burrow, Rev. E.J.
Bushnell, Horace (1802-1876)
Butler, J.
Butt, J.S.
Edited by Sue Durrell and with an afterword by Professor Frank James
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of William Nicholson 1753-1815