Haberle, -

Haldane, -, Lieutenant Colonel

Haldat, Dr. -

Hall, Marshall (1790-1857)

Hall, Rev. James

Hall, Sir James (1761-1832)

Hall, William

Hallett, Robert

Halliday, Andrew (1782-1839)

Hamill, -

Hamilton, Rev. James Archibold (1740-1815)

Hamilton, Rev. William

Hardy, William

Harman, -

Harriott, John (1745-1817)

Harrison, Thomas (1760-1805)

Harrup, Robert

Hassell, John (1767-1825)

Hassenfratz, Jean Henri (1755-1827)

Hatchett, Charles (1765-1847)

Haussman, Jean-Michel (1749-1824)

Haüy, René Just (1743-1822)

Hawkins, A.

Hawkins, J.J.

Hayley, J.

Hayter, Charles (1761-1835)

Headrick, Rev. James (1758-1841)

Heckewelder, John (1743-1823)

Heeven, Professor

Henderson, Alexander (1780-1863)

Henry, William (1774-1836)

Herbert, P.

Héricart de Thury, Louis-Étienne (1776-1854)

Hermbstädt, Sigismund Friederich (1760-1833)

Hersart, C.

Herschel, Frederick William (1738-1822)

Hesleden, Bryan

Higgins, William (1763-1825)

Hildebrandt, Georg Friedrich (1764-1816)

Hinckley, J.

Hisinger, Wilhelm (1766-1852)

Holme, Dr. -

Home, Sir Everard, 1st Baronet, FRS (1756-1832)

Hooke, Benjamin

Hooke, Robert (1635-1703)

Hooker, -

Hope, Thomas Charles (1766-1844)

Hornblower, Jabez Carter (1744-1814)

Horsburgh, James (1762-1836)

Howard, Edward Charles (1774-1816)

Howard, Luke (1772-1864)

Howison, James

Howldy, Thomas

Hoyle, Thomas

Hubbard, John P.

Huber, François (1750-1831)

Huddart, Joseph, FRS (1741-1816)

Huddleston, Lawson

Hulme, Nathaniel (1732-1807)

Hume, Joseph

Hunter, William (1755-1812)

Hutton, Joseph

Hyde Wollaston, William (1766-1828)

Ibbetson, Agnes (1757-1823)

Imrie, Major -

Irvine, William (1743-1787)

Irwin, G.

Jameson, Robert (1774-1854)

Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)

Jeffery, William

Jessop, William (1745-1814)

John, -

Jones, Edward

Jones, T.

Jones, William (1763-1831)

Josses, -

Jousselin, C.R.

Jumilhac, -

Jurine, Louis (1751-1819)

Juvenis, -

Kater, Lieutenant Henry (1777-1835)

Keir, Peter

Keith, Alexander

Kemp, Grover

Kendal, J.G.

Kennedy, Dr. -

Kennedy, Robert

Kent, Nathaniel (1737-1810)

Kerby, F.

Kidd, John (1775-1851)

Kirk, Rupert

Kirwan, Richard (1733-1812)

Klaproth, Martin Heinrich (1743-1817).

Knight, Richard (1768-1844)

Knight, Thomas Andrew (1759-1838)

Knox, James

Komarzewski, Jan (1744-1810)

Kries, Professor

La Place, M.

Lachenaie, Hassel

Lagrange, Joseph-Louis (1736-1813)

Lagrave Sorbie, -

Lair, -

Lambe, W.

Lambton, Brigade Major William (1756-1823)

Lampadius, Wilhelm August Eberhard (1772-1842)

Larrey, Dominique Jean (1766-1842)

Lassus, -

Latham, William (d 1807)

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry (1764-1820)

Laugier, André (1770-1832)

Lax, Rev. William (1761-1836)

Layman, William (1768-1826)

Le Beck, Henry J.

Le Bouvier des Mortiers, Urbain-René-Thomas (1739-1827)

Le Caan, Charles

Le Gay Brewerton, Thomas (1786-1831)

Le Hardy, Charles

Leblanc, Nicolas (1742-1806)

Ledhuy, Adolphus

Lee, H.P.

Lefrançois de Lalande, Joseph Jérôme (1732-1807)

Legoux de Flaix, François-Xavier Alexandre (1751-)

Lelièvre, Claude-Hugues (1755-1835)

Lelivec, H.

Lemaitre, L.F.

Lenormand, Louis-Sébastien (1757-1837)

Leroi, Alphonsus

Leschenault de La Tour, Jean-Baptiste Louis Claude Théodore (1773-1826)

Leslie, John (1766-1832)

Lester, William

Link, Henry Frederick

Lister, Thomas, Lord Ribblesdale (1752-1826)

Little, Rev. James (d 1831)

Lochead, Willam, FRSE (1753-1815)

Lomet, A.F.

Lowitz, Johann Tobias (1757-1804)

Loysel, - Feb 1802

Luttrell, J.F.

Lyall, Robert (1790-1831)

Lydiatt, E.

The Life of William Nicholson, 1753–1815

A Memoir of Enlightenment, Commerce, Politics, Arts and Science

Edited by Sue Durrell and with an afterword by Professor Frank James


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